Waikari SchoolTena koutou, nga mihi ki a koutou –
Greetings to you all! At Waikari School, we are very well resourced and invite experts across the curricula to come and work with our students. We are a part of a learning cluster of schools that include: Omihi, Greta Valley and Broomfield Schools. Our Year 7 & 8 student’s attend manual training at Hurunui College during the year. Values are deeply held beliefs detailing what our Waikari School community consider to be most important for our learners to enable them to succeed in both their local and global environments. Waikari School encourages community support and involvement through regular school and community newsletters, informing everybody about up-coming events and meetings. Our mission is:To provide an education where all children are able to develop into, well-rounded and resilient young people who are capable of dealing with an ever changing world. |