AllRight: Mental health and wellbeing
TeachersFacilitated by Emily Arps, Mental Health Promoter for the All Right? Campaign
Just like physical health, mental health is something that we all have, and we all need to nurture. This workshop will explore evidence based tips to support our mental health and wellbeing, and how we can implement these on a daily basis. This workshop will also provide an overview of tools and resources from the All Right? campaign that can be used to support both your wellbeing, and those around you (students, staff, and/or whānau). |
Year 1-8Facilitated by Anna Mowat, Child and Family Advisor, All Right? campaign
Child wellbeing understanding and strategies - how to fit it in! There are loads of wellbeing buzz words we’re hearing about right now - growth mindset, strengths-based, resilience, grit… Anna will explore child wellbeing, these terms and more importantly how to encourage them as part of everyday teaching. Anna will discuss the real benefits of understanding wellbeing and strategies to help children feel good and function well- now, and for the rest of their lives. |
SecondaryFacilitated by Emily Arps, Mental Health Promoter for the All Right? Campaign
Supporting young people’s mental health and wellbeing is paramount in adolescence as they navigate stressors and pressures from various sources. This presentation will explore a range of tips to support students’ mental health and wellbeing, in addition to highlighting a range of online tools and resources for young people to us themselves. |